
The Case for Single Sign-On

 Every morning, staff are required to log into multiple different systems just to do their jobs. Clinic staff must sign in to Citrix to get to the EHR environment, then into Intergy EHR for clinical functions, Intergy POMIS for scheduling, Outlook for email, PayCom to monitor time and payroll, Tower Diagnostics for updated test and procedure results, Epic to obtain hospitalization records, and VFC to print and update immunization records. That is eight different systems to do one job. If the employee works in the lab, they also have to log into Quest to print and send requisitions. If the employee is a center manager, they also have to log into McKesson to order supplies and Dentrix to monitor dental patients and departmental flow. Each of these systems requires its own username and password and none of them have a password cycle that synchronizes with the other systems. This means each employee could have to memorize eight different passwords at once. Given the stringency of the Citr